Tracing processes in SC

What goes on in a running system? In SC, various methods help to get information about processes on different levels: server side and client side (in sclang).

related:  Debugging-tips

Tracing sclang processes:

In order to know more about objects as they are created by processes like tasks or even simply by evaluating a bit of code, one can insert messages like postln and postcs anywhere in the code.

// calculating the sum of n subsequent squares


var n = 8, x = 0;

(1..n).do { |num| x = x + num.squared };



// what happens while we are doing this?


var n = 8, x = 0;

(1..n).do { |num| x = x + num.squared.postln; };



// or more in detail:


var n = 8, x = 0;

(1..n).do { |num| [\before, x].postln; x = x + num.squared; [\after, x].postln;};



// when posting several values, some more verbose posts can be useful.

// postf formats a string and inserts values for %-characters.

// here separate statements are needed.


var n = 8, x = 0;

(1..n).do { |num| x = x + num.squared; "num: % num-squared: % new x: %\n".postf(num, num.squared, x) };



// in some cases, postln will only post part of the data, or a simplified

// representation.

// n times 200 random numbers

// will just add ... etc ... after 123


var n = 3;

(1..n).do { |num| { 1000.rand }.dup(200).postln };


// posts the compile string, i.e. the code needed to recreate the receiver (here the array)


var n = 3;

(1..n).do { |num| { num.rand }.dup(200).postcs };


// in streams, tasks and routines, this works just as well:


fork {

var n = 14;

(1..n).do { |num| 

{ num.rand }.dup(200).postcs;






fork {

var str = Routine { |in| { in = in.rand.yield } }; { |i|;





// for creating a pattern that once it is used posts its values,

// the message trace can be used (in returns a Ptrace)

a = Pseq([1, 4, 1, Pwhite(0, 6, 3), 100, 39], inf).trace(prefix: "value: ");

b = a.asStream;;;;;

// in a running stream:



\degree, Pseq([1, 4, 1, Pwhite(0, 6, 3), 100, 39], inf).trace(prefix: "value: "),

\dur, 0.2



// post only a slot of the events



\degree, Pseq([1, 4, 1, Pwhite(0, 6, 3), 100, 39], inf),

\dur, 0.2



// several slots at once:



\degree, Pseq([1, 4, 1, Pwhite(0, 6, 3), 100, 39], inf),

\dur, Pwhite(0.2, 0.4, inf)

).trace([\degree, \dur], prefix: ["degree ", "dur "]).play


Tracing server processes:

Using postln or post on a UGen will only return the UGen, but not the values it produces in a running synth. The poll message creates a Poll UGen which posts at regular intervals when given a time value or as a response to a trigger (see Poll helpfile)

// postln returns only the UGen itself (a MulAdd here), 0, 300, 400).postln) * 0.1 }.play;

// poll traces the values, 0, 300, 400).poll) * 0.1 }.play;

// using a label:, 0, 300, 400).poll(label: "freq")) * 0.1 }.play;

For demand ugens, poll does not work - these ugens are called by a Demand or Duty Ugen at certain intervals. The message dpoll creates a Dpoll ugen that posts when they are called (see Dpoll helpfile)

{, 0, (Dseries(0, 1, inf) * 200 + 300).dpoll)) * 0.1 }.play;

{, 0, (Dseries(0, 1, inf) * 200 + 300).dpoll(label: "freq"))) * 0.1 }.play;

When using the internal server (see Server help), the scope window can give valuable information about the ongoing sound (see Stethoscope help):

// must use internal server

s = Server.internal.boot;, 0, 300, 400)) * 0.1 }.scope;

A FreqScope window can be used for observing the spectrum of the output:

// must use internal server

Server.default = s = Server.internal.boot;

// create a new analyzer;, 0, 3000, 4000)) * 0.1 }.play; * 0.02, 0, 3000, 4000)).sum * 0.1 }.play;